Sunday, March 29, 2009
Peace Partners?
The Jerusalem Post reports that the PA has dismantled a Palestinian youth orchestra because it played for Jewish Holocaust survivors. This is just outrageous!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Peep This Email
Psachya sends in some more peeps:
"Front Row Phone Call"
This peep sits in the front row at the chupa. Not only does he ignore the request to turn off his cell phone, he actually takes the call when his phone rings mid-ceremony. Nothing like a stage-whispered convo about shidduchim to help solemnize the kiddushin.
Got three more 'peeps for you - and all at the same wedding! (They seem to come in bunches, don't they...)Here's another one...
"The Operatic Chazzan" - he comes over to me at the smorg and says, "This is what I'll be singing under the chupa." He hands me three pages of a complicated piano-vocal un-chord-charted arrangement of an aria from "Cosi fan Tutti". As my eyes glaze over, he adds, "Oh, by the way - can you do that in F Major?"
"Mrs. See-No-Instruments" - she comes up to the bandstand while we're playing and says, "Excuse me, do any of you have a pen?" As we ignore her, she then walks right smack through the middle of the band, jostling as she goes. (I know - we've talked about the shortcut ladies before - but this lady didn't even seem to realize that we were playing instruments!)
"Mr. Gear Salesman" - related to your "gear guy", I think. Lately, I've been using a two-keyboard setup on some gigs - one for "piano/keyboard", one for "bass". (It gives me a wider palette of sounds to choose from, plus a much wider range for each hand. Anyhoo...) This fella comes up and says, "Wow - I haven't seen a two-keyboard setup for a long time. Listen, I have a keyboard at home that I'm trying to sell - it actually splits, so you don't need two keyboards. (No!) It's called a 'Yamaha DX-7'. Would you be interested in buying it?" Apparently, he didn't notice that my "bass keyboard" was, in fact, a Yamaha DX7-2D. Oh well...
And BTW - re Yiddish announcements at weddings of non-Yiddish speakers - two tips for sounding more authentic. 1) Don't stop between each word ("Mitt...der...ershter...brocho...") - it's a dead giveaway. 2) Better yet - dispense with the Yiddish numbers altogether. Just say that HaRav HaGuen HaRav So-and-So is "mechibbed mit ah BROOO-CHEH!" Now that's authentic!
"Front Row Phone Call"
This peep sits in the front row at the chupa. Not only does he ignore the request to turn off his cell phone, he actually takes the call when his phone rings mid-ceremony. Nothing like a stage-whispered convo about shidduchim to help solemnize the kiddushin.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
To The Guy Making Announcements In Yiddish At The Chupa...
It's "Elter feter" you want, not "Alter feter".
You Know You're A Musician When..
you see this headline and think it's talking about a grant for creative musicians.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pre-Pesach Peeps
Some recent "peeps" for y'all...
The Chassidish caterer who told the Klezmer trio w/ one intermarried and one non-Jewish member: "It's nice to see a band that's all unzere heimishe Yidden."
The Seinfeld fan MC who introduces the groom's speech by describing him as the "master of his domain."
The Neturei Karta chassidim protesting outside an engagement party because the shul had hosed a Nefesh B'nefesh meeting earlier that morning. When told he was protesting an engagement, the leader of the group shrugged and said: "Nu, it's good for them also to hear it."
The groom who, in thanking his parents, said: "Dad, unlike mom, you know the value of silence."
The new gear guy, who comes over at gigs and ID's any new gear we might have added to our setup since the last time he's seen us.
The Chassidish caterer who told the Klezmer trio w/ one intermarried and one non-Jewish member: "It's nice to see a band that's all unzere heimishe Yidden."
The Seinfeld fan MC who introduces the groom's speech by describing him as the "master of his domain."
The Neturei Karta chassidim protesting outside an engagement party because the shul had hosed a Nefesh B'nefesh meeting earlier that morning. When told he was protesting an engagement, the leader of the group shrugged and said: "Nu, it's good for them also to hear it."
The groom who, in thanking his parents, said: "Dad, unlike mom, you know the value of silence."
The new gear guy, who comes over at gigs and ID's any new gear we might have added to our setup since the last time he's seen us.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hip Hop Hassidios
How long until they try to ban the Chareidi women Hip-Hop dancers?
Overheard in the Bank...
Guy on cell phone...
"He did what?"
"I'm so sorry about that."
"I don't know the dude. He's a guitar player."
"That's just crazy!"
"He's supposed to be a very good guitar player...."
"He did what?"
"I'm so sorry about that."
"I don't know the dude. He's a guitar player."
"That's just crazy!"
"He's supposed to be a very good guitar player...."
Thursday, March 12, 2009
From the mailbag...
Joe Flix emails a link to his post: " A few exciting items in Jewish Music."
Eitan Katz writes:
Hugh Mullican rants:
Eitan Katz writes:
Hello Everyone!Anon writes:
I am so excited to announce that my new CD titled “Boruch Hu” has been released. Every nigun was carefully selected and arranged in a way I felt would bring out the deeper meaning of the words and make your overall connection with Hashem more meaningful. Below is a picture of the cover of the CD with links for clips and purchasing.
(also, be sure to check out my newly designed website )
To hear clips and purchase click here here.
Was just sitting and watching the very funny Geller Bus from Yoeli Lebovitz, after just hearing the new single from Shmiel Ber "Berry" Weber, produced by Naftali Schnitzler and I realized something. Not only did the attempts to ban and destory Lipa fail, they opened up the flood gates for a 100 new lipas. These guys are ALL from Lipa's school. They all know Lipa, they all work with him, and there are more of them. They are talented, smart, and ready to take it even further then Lipa has. They glorified him, they lifted him up and they turned him into an icon for all these young chaseedish guys to emulate and be inspired by.One of these days, I intend to write about the new wave of public Chassidish creativity in music and the arts.
Hugh Mullican rants: Misstatement
The entitled website has many fine points, but its moderator deliberately mistranslates a Sha'ar haTziyun of the M"B on Hilchoth Tb"A. It states that the the ShLa"H prohibits singing non-Jewish tunes, even devoid of their words, to babies.
The actual word used in the text, though, is not "non-Jewish" but "courting." It would seem to prohibit "Bei Mir Bist Du Schein" rather than "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog" (a complaint against lashon hau-rau).
This mistranslation was called to their moderator's attention. The effort had no effect.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't give tuppence for the whole subject that everyone's excited about, but I must be concerned.
We were asked recently to sign an "oath" that was included in the registration forms. of a local BY nursery school. It included prohibition of listening to non-Jewish music and referred to a non-existent Parents' Handbook. It turned out that that was really the Student's handbook, which says nothing on the topic (and states that girls must [sic] use the internet!).
Also, I am anguished that the gedoleem who signed the kol koraeh last year expended goodwill capital and viciously attacked the livlihood of the targets on what was really a whim. What good is their word on tz'ddaukauh matters or on much anything? Also, were they not setting up a decree which the public could not withstand?
Now, this year, some of these same individual g'doleem ask us to contribute money to help save the three poor souls who are held in harsh conditions in Japan. The arguments presented in the material beg a lot of questions: If they didn't think that they were smuggling drugs, did they think that it was OK to smuggle other items, like their sender asked them to? Didn't they speak to parents and advisers, who would have asked them how they planned to pay for their trip? Is it OK to ignore the laws of any national and international entity?
So we're told that money has to be spread around, both in Japan to hire counsel and in Israel (for what?). I smell a further xilul H' (R"l) brewing in their pots! I think the Keystone Cops are running the show, and I wish I could make myself known to the folks in charge.
Of course, I'll send in something as they asked, but PLEASE! We're asked to admit that these poor boys are not exposed to outside news, and that's why it was easy for them to be victimized. (We're to believe that they never heard of drugs or smuggling. The PR people are out of their minds!)
Maybe the g'doleem ought to make sure that unexpurgated outside news reaches these communities! I'm reminded of my schoolmate, whose father received Time mag. in Mir, Poland. He was ridiculed for reading "timmeh," but their prediction that H., ymax sh'mo, would invade helped save his life by allowing him to flee back to these shores.
I'm sorry. I was supposed to be talking about L'Affaire Lipa!
Rebbe Elimelech's Dance
Vos Iz Neias just posted an article which appeared in this week's Hamodia Magazine about "Reb Elimelech's Tants."
The hard copy of the article has some very nice additional photos.
The hard copy of the article has some very nice additional photos.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Answer, My Friend, Is Blowing In The Luft...
Been having some emails about Rabbi Luft...
Nechama wrote:
Nechama wrote:
Do you have written somewhere on your blog, about the Nazi song that became Moshiach, Moshiach ..... ? I would like to send someone that information.I responded:
I'm pretty sure this is the song you're looking for.She wrote back:
It is NOT a Nazi song. It is a German pop song from the late '70's about the Mongolian warrior Gengis Khan. Mordechai Ben David recorded it on the album Jerusalem Is Not For Sale as "Kumt Aheym" (Yidden).
Eeeek! Thanks for the clarification. But I heard Rabbi Luft interviewed on a particular radio show that made it clear that the MBD song was such. Where does the discrepancy come from? Are you sure that this German group didn't get it from the Ns? Not to doubt your expertise, just a confusion of sources.My response:
I have written a lot about Rabbi Luft on my blog, including a complete review of his book “The Torah Is Not Hefker”, which you can find here:I also received the following email from a reader who asked me to withhold his name:
This link is for my concluding post, but there are links to the previous posts in the series at the bottom.
In short, Rabbi Luft can not be trusted on anything he says on music or on Torah as it relates to music. His entire approach is based on distortions, misrepresentations, ignorance, racism, and outright lies. I know this sounds strong, but I’ve amply documented it on my blog, and his activities have and are creating chilul Hashem on an international scale.
“Genghis Khan” is an original song that was written for the Eurovision contest in 1979. Any claims that it is a Nazi song are simply false. (The lyrics glorify Genghis Khan and aren’t exactly appropriate, as it were. But that’s a separate issue.)
in your blog you attack R. Luft for using the phrase "Cretinous goons" on p.25My response:
the phrase is italicized because it is a quote from the Sinatra quote on page 18
I’m not really sure what your point is...It's quite interesting to me that I've published quite specific criticisms of Rabbi Luft's book -- which I believe he is aware of -- and there has been no rebuttal excepting the pointless email above. Telling, I think!
Frank Sinatra is not a ben Torah. Neither are the rockers he was referring too.
Rabbi Luft, on the other hand, professes to follow halacha, and the people he describes by that term are frum Jews.
I stand by my critique.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Purim Headlines!
In the spirit of the season, we are pleased to bring you news headlines the J-media will not be bringing you. Besides, Rabbi Zev Brenner needs some more material for his Purim show. (Hi, Zev!)
Ateres Avrohom Installs Automatic Pitch Correction On Chupa Mic
Rabbis Ban One-Man-Band Arranger Keyboards Citing High Costs: Limit Musicians To Casio Brand Keyboards Only
Cadillac Signs Deal To Use Kol Noar Track In New Escalade Commercial
Rabbi Avremel Schorr Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Novominsker Rebbe Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Rav Aharon Schechter Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah Join Facebook
Vos Iz Neias and Yeshiva World Commentors Apologize for Daily Chilul Hashem
Facebook Campaign To Get Sameach To Release Menucha 2 Album A Flop
Matisyahu Abandons Karlin; Becomes Kretchnover Chossid
Sameach and Aderet To Merge; Industry Analysts Cite Redundant Products As Cause
Rabbi Ephraim Luft Resigns From Committee For Jewish Music; Apologizes For Deceiving Gedolim
New Album "Avraham Fried Raps" A Commercial Failure, But Critics Rave
NY Jewish Week Signs Content Sharing Deal With J-Bloggers
New Broadway Show, "Pester Rebbe Live," Wins Tony
Upcoming Agudath Israel Convention To Address Rising Anti-Semitism Will Honor Bernie Madoff, Wextrust Partners, & Three Drug-Smuggling Chassidim Currently Jailed In Japan
Previous years' Purim headlines can be found here, here, here, and here.
Ateres Avrohom Installs Automatic Pitch Correction On Chupa Mic
Rabbis Ban One-Man-Band Arranger Keyboards Citing High Costs: Limit Musicians To Casio Brand Keyboards Only
Cadillac Signs Deal To Use Kol Noar Track In New Escalade Commercial
Rabbi Avremel Schorr Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Novominsker Rebbe Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Rav Aharon Schechter Apologizes To Lipa Schmeltzer
Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah Join Facebook
Vos Iz Neias and Yeshiva World Commentors Apologize for Daily Chilul Hashem
Facebook Campaign To Get Sameach To Release Menucha 2 Album A Flop
Matisyahu Abandons Karlin; Becomes Kretchnover Chossid
Sameach and Aderet To Merge; Industry Analysts Cite Redundant Products As Cause
Rabbi Ephraim Luft Resigns From Committee For Jewish Music; Apologizes For Deceiving Gedolim
New Album "Avraham Fried Raps" A Commercial Failure, But Critics Rave
NY Jewish Week Signs Content Sharing Deal With J-Bloggers
New Broadway Show, "Pester Rebbe Live," Wins Tony
Upcoming Agudath Israel Convention To Address Rising Anti-Semitism Will Honor Bernie Madoff, Wextrust Partners, & Three Drug-Smuggling Chassidim Currently Jailed In Japan
Previous years' Purim headlines can be found here, here, here, and here.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Cultural Signifier? I Think So!
Here's a music video for "Der Geller Bus" off of Yoily Lebovitz's new comedy CD release "Purim Bailout."
Hat tip, Der Kegener.
Hat tip, Der Kegener.
Getting Ready for Purim - Free Sheet Music
I've got some pre-Purim sheet music for you...
Here’s a free lead sheet for a well-known Purim melody, “Mishenichnas Adar,” as performed on “Purim Sameach.” You can download a PDF by clicking on the sheet music image.

As well, Avremi G. has posted more free Purim sheet music at "A Notable Idea."
There's still more free sheet music, mainly kids songs, over at Tot Shabbat!
Here’s a free lead sheet for a well-known Purim melody, “Mishenichnas Adar,” as performed on “Purim Sameach.” You can download a PDF by clicking on the sheet music image.
As well, Avremi G. has posted more free Purim sheet music at "A Notable Idea."
There's still more free sheet music, mainly kids songs, over at Tot Shabbat!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Of Kannoim and Controversy: The Failed 2009 Lipa Schmeltzer Concert Ban
Now that yesterday's Lipa Schmeltzer concert, "The Event Live," has successfully concluded, I think it is important to take a look at the second failed concert ban and the actions of those who participated in it.
It's important to look at this event in light of last year's controversy. (You can find links to posts on that topic here.) A full recounting of the details is beyond the scope of this post. In short, the "Gedolim" and others who signed that ban allowed themselves to be manipulated into signing a last-minute ban by dishonest kannoim. It is a matter of public record that the kannoim behind the ban lied to many if not all of the signers. It is also a matter of public record that a number of the rabbonim who signed last year's ban were opposed to banning this year's event. Opposed, not ambivalent. The fact that they didn't sign a ban this year was not by oversight. It was a deliberate decision to allow the event to proceed.
This created a challenge for the kannoim when they were unable to get these rabbonim to sign on to another ban this year. So, instead they orchestrated another last-minute ban, this time signed by the principals of many Chassidic schools and one Litvishe Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler of Lakewood's Beis Medrash Govoha.
As they did last year, the ban was announced at the last minute, in this case the Thursday before the Sunday show, by an ad published in Chareidi newspapers. The ad was published in the Yiddish newspapers "Der Blatt" and "Der Yid". Fortunately, the ban was not taken seriously and Lipa performed to a full house including many "Hemishe Chassidim."
This ban and the way it was organized/announced/implemented raise some troubling questions about the leadership in the Chareidi community. Especially the massive Chillul Hashem last year's ban caused.
A brief digression first...
Here's a troubling post... Note this part:
Two, note this part again:
Now back to this year's ban...
The ban states that there is a new nisayon (test) of "menagnim umezamrim mekulkalim shehichniso tarbus neykhor b'oholei Yaakov..."
It uses inappropriate language to describe Lipa and similar singers and is a clear violation of Hilchos Lashon Hara. This is true even if one were to accept the premise at all. As I have amply demonstrated in many places on this blog though, and as is widely known, this notion reflects historical revisionism. Jewish music, even Chassidic music, has always borrowed from the popular music of the surrounding time and place.
Obviously, raising the issue of Lashon Hara with these people is pointless, but I'm not addressing them, but the responsible leadership that needs to step forward.
I could make a few more points about the ban text, but this will suffice for now.
I'm more interested in addressing the circumstances surrounding the publication of this ban. There are a number of issues this ban raises. The first is one of timing. This concert was announced and promoted for the better part of a year. There was plenty of time for rabbinic leadership to address the issue. Waiting until the last minute to publicize a ban is therefore irresponsible and unjustifiable. There was plenty of time for these rabbonim to do their due diligence and announce their ruling well in advance. That they didn't reflects either incompetence or a deliberate tactic by the kannoim behind the ban to attempt to cause the most financial harm. Either should be unacceptable from the perspective of communal policy.
A question about the rabbonim who signed the "new" ban...
They had to have been aware of last year's ban. So, when they were approached to sign a ban, why did they? If they truly respect the Gedolim as representing Da'as Torah, why step in here at all? Isn't this a classic case of Moreh halacha lifnei rabo?
Additionally, even if they don't respect the Gedolim/Da'as Torah,which is hard to believe, did they learn nothing from last year?
A question for the kannoim behind the ban...
Do you respect da'as Torah? If so, how could you ignore the gedolim's refusal to sign on to your attempted ban this year? It's been widely reported that the Gedolim who signed last year's ban refused to sign this one. Is it respectful to attempt to manipulate Gedolim? Is it proper to ignore their clear directives not to impinge someone's parnossah in this specific case?
In short, the ban and the process surrounding it highlight some troubling communal policy matters that the Chareidi leadership needs to address.
On the subject of the kannoim and manipulation...
I received an email this past Shabbos from "V.B. using the email address The email, although ostensibly written by "A Concerned Himesher Yid"[sic] and styled as an "Open Letter to Lipa Schmeltzer" seemed to be the product of one of these kannoim and not the thoughts of an uninterested third party. So, I sent a few follow-up questions about the email, and the answers I received confirmed that writer does not find Emes to be important and either can't or won't answer specific questions about his claims. The writing style sounds a lot like Rabbi Luft and the writer seems to be in Israel... Hmm....
Here is his email with my comments in italics. My questions to him and his non-answers will follow.
His response to my follow up:
He did not reply to my last follow-up question:
It's important to look at this event in light of last year's controversy. (You can find links to posts on that topic here.) A full recounting of the details is beyond the scope of this post. In short, the "Gedolim" and others who signed that ban allowed themselves to be manipulated into signing a last-minute ban by dishonest kannoim. It is a matter of public record that the kannoim behind the ban lied to many if not all of the signers. It is also a matter of public record that a number of the rabbonim who signed last year's ban were opposed to banning this year's event. Opposed, not ambivalent. The fact that they didn't sign a ban this year was not by oversight. It was a deliberate decision to allow the event to proceed.
This created a challenge for the kannoim when they were unable to get these rabbonim to sign on to another ban this year. So, instead they orchestrated another last-minute ban, this time signed by the principals of many Chassidic schools and one Litvishe Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler of Lakewood's Beis Medrash Govoha.
As they did last year, the ban was announced at the last minute, in this case the Thursday before the Sunday show, by an ad published in Chareidi newspapers. The ad was published in the Yiddish newspapers "Der Blatt" and "Der Yid". Fortunately, the ban was not taken seriously and Lipa performed to a full house including many "Hemishe Chassidim."
This ban and the way it was organized/announced/implemented raise some troubling questions about the leadership in the Chareidi community. Especially the massive Chillul Hashem last year's ban caused.
A brief digression first...
Here's a troubling post... Note this part:
This year, like last, there were some people who wished to stop the efforts of the concert organizers and performers. has discovered that virtually every single Litvishe rosh yeshiva refused this year to sign any letter or kol koreh banning a specific singer or The Event concert.I'd like to point out two things here. One, the facts have not changed, but the psak has. Yet, there has been no public explanation, and only one public apology to Lipa. And, I'm told the financial damages were not made up as promised. This is just wrong.
Gedolim have faced tremendous pressure from certain so-called activists and have maintained their position despite fabricated stories that all other roshei yeshiva would be signing against concerts and/or singers.
One particular rosh yeshiva whom was in contact with mentioned that these activists sat with him for over an hour, not willing to let up, and telling him that they have signatures from every other rosh yeshiva. This particular rosh yeshiva had the foresight to pick up a phone and contact a few other roshei yeshiva only to find out that they too were told the same stories but refused to sign.
Of course, at the same time, these rabbonim have said that it is vital to reinforce the idea that concerts should be comprised of kosher entertainment that does not contradict the spirit of the Torah.
Recognizing that there is a strong need to provide kosher outlets for members of our communities, especially children and young adults, gedolei harabbonim have refused numerous requests and attempts to have them sign letters against this upcoming concert and other similar events.
Two, note this part again:
One particular rosh yeshiva whom was in contact with mentioned that these activists sat with him for over an hour, not willing to let up, and telling him that they have signatures from every other rosh yeshiva. This particular rosh yeshiva had the foresight to pick up a phone and contact a few other roshei yeshiva only to find out that they too were told the same stories but refused to sign.A rosh yeshiva sat with known liars after last year's fiasco for an hour about this??? That's outrageous! It's also not foresight.
Now back to this year's ban...
The ban states that there is a new nisayon (test) of "menagnim umezamrim mekulkalim shehichniso tarbus neykhor b'oholei Yaakov..."
It uses inappropriate language to describe Lipa and similar singers and is a clear violation of Hilchos Lashon Hara. This is true even if one were to accept the premise at all. As I have amply demonstrated in many places on this blog though, and as is widely known, this notion reflects historical revisionism. Jewish music, even Chassidic music, has always borrowed from the popular music of the surrounding time and place.
Obviously, raising the issue of Lashon Hara with these people is pointless, but I'm not addressing them, but the responsible leadership that needs to step forward.
I could make a few more points about the ban text, but this will suffice for now.
I'm more interested in addressing the circumstances surrounding the publication of this ban. There are a number of issues this ban raises. The first is one of timing. This concert was announced and promoted for the better part of a year. There was plenty of time for rabbinic leadership to address the issue. Waiting until the last minute to publicize a ban is therefore irresponsible and unjustifiable. There was plenty of time for these rabbonim to do their due diligence and announce their ruling well in advance. That they didn't reflects either incompetence or a deliberate tactic by the kannoim behind the ban to attempt to cause the most financial harm. Either should be unacceptable from the perspective of communal policy.
A question about the rabbonim who signed the "new" ban...
They had to have been aware of last year's ban. So, when they were approached to sign a ban, why did they? If they truly respect the Gedolim as representing Da'as Torah, why step in here at all? Isn't this a classic case of Moreh halacha lifnei rabo?
Additionally, even if they don't respect the Gedolim/Da'as Torah,which is hard to believe, did they learn nothing from last year?
A question for the kannoim behind the ban...
Do you respect da'as Torah? If so, how could you ignore the gedolim's refusal to sign on to your attempted ban this year? It's been widely reported that the Gedolim who signed last year's ban refused to sign this one. Is it respectful to attempt to manipulate Gedolim? Is it proper to ignore their clear directives not to impinge someone's parnossah in this specific case?
In short, the ban and the process surrounding it highlight some troubling communal policy matters that the Chareidi leadership needs to address.
On the subject of the kannoim and manipulation...
I received an email this past Shabbos from "V.B. using the email address The email, although ostensibly written by "A Concerned Himesher Yid"[sic] and styled as an "Open Letter to Lipa Schmeltzer" seemed to be the product of one of these kannoim and not the thoughts of an uninterested third party. So, I sent a few follow-up questions about the email, and the answers I received confirmed that writer does not find Emes to be important and either can't or won't answer specific questions about his claims. The writing style sounds a lot like Rabbi Luft and the writer seems to be in Israel... Hmm....
Here is his email with my comments in italics. My questions to him and his non-answers will follow.
AN OPEN LETTER TO LIPAI emailed "V.B." the following:
Dear Lipa, ly"t
Its time we all woke up and smelled the coffee. After reading the new ban regarding your performance it seems that in Shomayim they are NOT happy enough with the Derech, you have chosen. It does not matter which of the Rabonim signed on the new Kol Korah banning the event, and who not. [Of course it does. The rabbonim who signed last year's ban refused to sign another one because they wanted to allow this event to happen.] If you count the amount of signatures you will come up with about SIXTY signatures.[The number of signatures is not important, especially considering the refusal of the Gedolim to participate, and the relative lack of stature of the signers. The "Gedolim" were asked to sign and refused, allowing the show to proceed.] I believe that this is only the beginning stages of the Kol Korah. It's a clear and strong message from Hashem and the Rabonim who are the leaders of our times that something smells terribly wrong over here. Never in the past decade has there been a gathering of Rabonim to condemn an individual in such a strong way!!! I am not out to hurt you Lipa, I am simply suggesting that you should examine your performance closely, could we believe it's done 100% Al Taharas HaKodesh?[This is a hypocritical assertion, given the proven lack of same among the anti-concert kannoim. See, for example, the kannoim who lied to the Rosh Yeshiva about who else had signed, as reported by Matzav, and Rabbi Luft's book.]
In history of Klall Yisroel we almost never had ALL the Gedolim unite and sign on the same topic. [Here too.] If you LIPA are a true Chosid, like you proclaim to be with your outer Levush (dress code,) you are obligated to adhere to the Chasidishe Rabonim and maybe that's why the majority of the Ban is signed by Chasidishe Gedolim and not Litvish. [This is a mischaracterization. The ban was not signed by Chassidishe Gedolim, but by school principals.] In general the Litvish are any way more modern compared to the Chasidim, and they always allowed for Kalus Rosh in a lax manner compared to the Frum Chadishe Olam. [This is Lashon Hara by any standards. And you ask people to post this and forward it around?]
If one examines the Ban you will find that it does not only pertain to the event - the concert, it's far and beyond that, it includes many of your great and exciting ideas that many have to compliment you on. [Nope. Only a concert cruise (that many other singers also do) and his recordings in general. It does not mention Lipa's unique ideas.]
Lipa you are an extremely talented individual who has inspired thousands upon thousands in Klall Yisroel. If some how you can take a turn and use your influence in a Torah way, you will be able to be Mekarev a huge part of Klall Yisroel to our father in heaven and have a Zchus to speed up the arrival of Moshiach. Take an example from Uri Zohar and see how he turned around and was able to teach hundreds of thousands of Jews Hashems Torah. BTW if you believe you are powerful and have the ability to attract many, show us that you are a true Ben Torah a Tzdik "an Erlicha Yid" as you have been referred to by some leaders, please prove your strengths in Yidishkite to all of us and most of all listen and follow the advise and direction of the Chasidishe Rabonim of todays times...
Lipa I want to tell you something that can not be denied, I personally spoke to the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Shmuel Kaminetzsky Shlita and the Novermintzsker Rebbeh Shlita this week and they both said that I may quote them and publicize in their name that: in no way shape or form are they backing your activities they are NOT vouching for you and they never ENDORSED you. So when many people are suggesting that the Litvish Rabonim are behind the event, that's not so at all. [Citing the Novominsker as proof that Litvish Rabbonim are not behind the event is bizarre. this is also a straw man argument.] The Ban was only signed by those who have a Yeshiva for the younger generation, not by Rabonim who have a Bais Medresh Shull or a Kehillah etc. [Firstly, this is not true. There are several Roshei Yeshiva signed on the ban. Secondly, the reason for this is because the Roshei Yeshiva who signed last year's ban explicitly refused to sign one this year. The kannoim tried to get them to ban this year's event too.] Rabbi Belsky Shlita the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vadath was asked on this matter, he too replied that he has never given his approval on "the event" or your music and entertainment. [The issue isn't one of approval. It's over whether the concert should be banned. Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky explicitly said it shouldn't. Whether he endorses Lipa or not is irrelevant. He feels that he shouldn't be banned.]
By the way do you realize that Manhattan is not a clean place to say the least. There is ZERO Kedushah in NYC and you ran an ad on a Jewish site saying that you are offering 400 Free tickets to any boy under 18 who learns a Perek of Mishnayis. [I'm pretty sure this is a bogus claim.] Why would you even dream to do something so hurtful like this.-- Shlepping our innocent Kinderlich to NYC, are you by chance looking to corrupt those clean Neshomos who are UNDER 18 CHAS V'ESHOLOM???? I don't believe you are that bad yet, it must have just slipped by you without noticing the domino effect of this performance. Perhaps you are having a very difficult time selling tickets, because we all remember that the Kol Koreah banning the "big event" (prohibiting your performance) . Were you just desperate to fill up seats, which we understand that’s done totally LeKovod Hashem Yisboruch so the full proceeds could go to Tzodoka and feed the hungry and poor in Israel.
I want to end off with a Brocha and wish you and your helpers that Hashem opens up your hearts and helps you to return to him seeing the true light of Kedusha and Taharah. May we all be Zoche to true Yiddishkiet with out being confused with goyishkeit Amen.
A concerned Himesher Yid.
A few questions...He responded:
1) Why an open letter. If you are sincere, why don't you contact Lipa privately?
2) Your letter contains quite a few mischaracterizations? Couldn't you make your point without any distortions?
3) Can you honestly say that your email and the actions of the people who organized this year's ban in spite of their knowledge that the Gedolim would not support a ban were 100% Al Taharas Hakodesh?
4) Why are you remaining anonymous? If you truly believe what you write, what reason do you have for witholding your name?
I look forward to hearing your answers. I intend to post your email with my comments and any clarification you send.
1) An open letter is a great idea when it express many peoples opinionNoting that he did not respond to #2 or #3, I followed up with:
2) this is my style of posting on the web
3) I believe 100% that it was clean and green
4) the reason to with hold the name is a way of focusing on the letter with out distractions
5) I did contact Lipa and he responded as a real gentleman, lots of respect for Lipa as indicated in the letter...
I hope this puts your day at ease.
Your answer raises some further questions...Incidentally, his identity would not be a distraction unless he is Rabbi Luft or another of the known kannoim on this issue.
1) If you have contacted Lipa privately and he has responded, why write a public open letter to him after that?
2) You didn't address my second point at all.
3) In this case, people approached Gedolim to sign a ban, they refused to sign, responded that it's forbidden to interfere with another Yid's parnossa, and other similar responses, as well as flat out caught them lying. (Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky and others stated so publicly last year and the same was reported this year as well.) Can you honestly assert with a straight face that the people who did this and ignored the responses of the Gedolim, going behind their back to organize a 2nd tier ban because the Gedolim weren't going to sign another ban, were "clean and green"? Do you really think this demonstrates respect for Gedolim? Da'as Torah?
His response to my follow up:
if you read the answers you'll find an answer to each and every question. 1,2,3,4,5,....As you see, he ignored my questions, which were not answered, contra his claim.
He did not reply to my last follow-up question:
So am I to assume that your #2 is an answer to mine?I find his entire correspondence troubling, as I indicated in my questions. His refusal to answer real questions about abuse of process is just sad. So is the attempt to shame Lipa via public letter, when Lipa is perfectly willing to engage him personally and privately, as he acknowledges. For shame!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Lipa Concert: Liveblogged liveblogged tonight's Lipa concert @ MSG. Judging by the photos, it looks like they had a good turnout.
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