Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
R' Avi Shafran writes "Blame Jewish terrorism on nationalism, not Judaism".
Failed Messiah posted a video of Dov Shurin singing his song, Zochreini Na. It defies logic that the community would adopt this song, created by this person, under the circumstances he wrote it, and with his known extremism. In other words, it isn't a quaint historical reference today. Perhaps if Jews sing it in a few hundred years, that will be true. But those who brought this song to the community knew full well what was meant by it.
And yes, there are many people who don't think about the words of the songs they sing, and there are plenty of Jews who like the song because they've heard it, and have not thought about its import, if they even understand the words at all. (Sadly, there are too many, even Jewishly literate people, who are either unaware of or don't at all consider the lyrics to the Jewish music they listen, sing and dance to, as has been documented on this blog. Over the years, I've highlighted songs that make no sense due to omitted words etc. One quick example, the Shloimy Dachs version of Hamalach Hagoel omits the words "vikarei vahem shemi", which makes the B section meaningless.)
I first heard the song on a compilation CD issued in memory of a victim of Palestinian terror. In "Singing of Revenge", I wrote about how a right-wing terror group had been formed at the funeral for the person in whose memory the CD had been released. You can follow the link for some more on the song. If I remember correctly, they had planned an attack at an Arab girls' school, close by the Al-Makassad hospital in the At-Tur neighbourhood. The J-Post article I'd linked to then is now broken, but I found a description of that attack on the Bat Ayin Wikipedia page. "The officers stopped the two and examined the car, finding that the trailer had two containers of gasoline rigged to two TNT bricks, and propane gas tanks. The explosive charge consisted of a "vergin" (military battery), and the device, in a baby carriage, was timed to explode at 7:35 am., when dozens of girls would have been entering the schoolgrounds. Later investigations revealed this was not a one-off strike but rather part of a West Bank network of settlers conducting a campaign against Palestinians. Israeli intelligence soon heard of a large cache of weapons, and suspected it might imply an attack on the Temple Mount was being prepared. Eventually 6 men, residents of Bat Ayin and Hebron, were convicted..." I'm pretty sure The JPost article talked about how this was planned at/after the funeral.
Bottom line, this song was composed by an extremist, immediately adopted/popularized by extremists, and regardless of how some Orthodox Jews here in the USA may know it, has always had those associations. While I don't ascribe the same motivations to those here who may have been unaware of these connections, I'll say it again, it's time to stop playing the song at simchas. If nothing else, the video of that wedding should compel us to stop singing/playing that song.
Ah, but the pundits have evidence to the contrary, proof of sinister pan-Orthodox sentiment: a song played at some Orthodox weddings, with lyrics borrowed from the account of the Biblical Samson’s prayer to be avenged of the Philistines. As the now-notorious video showed, there are indeed Jews who sing the song with ugly intent. But mainstream religious Zionist Jews and Haredim who dance to it at weddings no more intend the song as a cry for vengeance than a Frenchman heartily singing La Marseillaise pines to “soak our fields” with impure Prussian blood, or an American tearing up over his national anthem exults over how brave martyrs’ “blood has washed out [the] pollution” of the hated British.There is a clear difference between singing a song with historical references to violence, as opposed to one whose roots today are violent. Yes, the text is Biblical, going back further in time than the French or American national anthems. But, the song was composed by a radical and was immediately adopted by contemporary extremists.
Failed Messiah posted a video of Dov Shurin singing his song, Zochreini Na. It defies logic that the community would adopt this song, created by this person, under the circumstances he wrote it, and with his known extremism. In other words, it isn't a quaint historical reference today. Perhaps if Jews sing it in a few hundred years, that will be true. But those who brought this song to the community knew full well what was meant by it.
And yes, there are many people who don't think about the words of the songs they sing, and there are plenty of Jews who like the song because they've heard it, and have not thought about its import, if they even understand the words at all. (Sadly, there are too many, even Jewishly literate people, who are either unaware of or don't at all consider the lyrics to the Jewish music they listen, sing and dance to, as has been documented on this blog. Over the years, I've highlighted songs that make no sense due to omitted words etc. One quick example, the Shloimy Dachs version of Hamalach Hagoel omits the words "vikarei vahem shemi", which makes the B section meaningless.)
I first heard the song on a compilation CD issued in memory of a victim of Palestinian terror. In "Singing of Revenge", I wrote about how a right-wing terror group had been formed at the funeral for the person in whose memory the CD had been released. You can follow the link for some more on the song. If I remember correctly, they had planned an attack at an Arab girls' school, close by the Al-Makassad hospital in the At-Tur neighbourhood. The J-Post article I'd linked to then is now broken, but I found a description of that attack on the Bat Ayin Wikipedia page. "The officers stopped the two and examined the car, finding that the trailer had two containers of gasoline rigged to two TNT bricks, and propane gas tanks. The explosive charge consisted of a "vergin" (military battery), and the device, in a baby carriage, was timed to explode at 7:35 am., when dozens of girls would have been entering the schoolgrounds. Later investigations revealed this was not a one-off strike but rather part of a West Bank network of settlers conducting a campaign against Palestinians. Israeli intelligence soon heard of a large cache of weapons, and suspected it might imply an attack on the Temple Mount was being prepared. Eventually 6 men, residents of Bat Ayin and Hebron, were convicted..." I'm pretty sure The JPost article talked about how this was planned at/after the funeral.
Bottom line, this song was composed by an extremist, immediately adopted/popularized by extremists, and regardless of how some Orthodox Jews here in the USA may know it, has always had those associations. While I don't ascribe the same motivations to those here who may have been unaware of these connections, I'll say it again, it's time to stop playing the song at simchas. If nothing else, the video of that wedding should compel us to stop singing/playing that song.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Does This Mean I'll Be Banned Soon?
R' Natan Slifkin agrees with me: Not Every Mitzvah Deserves A Song
Thursday, December 24, 2015
More On The Story
A David Horovitz op-ed at the Times of Israel: The dance of death
More On Zochreini Na
Over at Daily Reyd - Torah Musings, Rabbi Gil Student disagrees with me.
He writes:
As Ha'aretz wrote, quoting Rav Sherlo in 2002: "However, Rabbi Sherlo insisted that vengeance should not be the subject of songs and dances: "We don't dance over the spilling of blood... We don't ignore the heavy price that vengeance brings in its wake, and the endless cycle of violence. We don't dance about vengeance because we are careful not to be spoiled by it, not to become enamored of it and of the evil it generates in the world."
He writes:
A Jewish musician suggests banning the song “Zochreini Na” because it has become an anthem of revenge killings in Israel. I disagree. In the US, it has no connotations of that nature whatsoever. It’s just a song. You can see on YouTube (I, II) plain yeshivish weddings where the song is played and no one is waving guns in the air or anything like that. I have never heard of the song meaning anything like that in the US.Needless to say, I disagree with him. In my original piece, I traced the source of the melody, and how it became popular here in the US. Although he is correct, that -- so far -- people don't generally react to the song in that way here, that could easily change. More to the point, the glorification of aspects of far-right extremism, as occurred in popularizing the song in the first place, and in the fact that Dov Shurin is given any sort of forum in Jewish Media, is troubling. It's not like the song was an innocuous song, that was then adopted by the radicals. That is its source. Indulging this sort of radicalism is a very bad idea.
As Ha'aretz wrote, quoting Rav Sherlo in 2002: "However, Rabbi Sherlo insisted that vengeance should not be the subject of songs and dances: "We don't dance over the spilling of blood... We don't ignore the heavy price that vengeance brings in its wake, and the endless cycle of violence. We don't dance about vengeance because we are careful not to be spoiled by it, not to become enamored of it and of the evil it generates in the world."
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
It's Past Time To Stop Singing About Revenge!
Sadly, it's time to revisit a subject I first wrote about in 2003 in this post, "Radical Jewish Music (Not by John Zorn)"
The following Times of Israel article, "Clip Shows Far-Right Wedding-Goers Celebrating Duma Killings", went viral today. I encourage all of you, difficult as it will be, to watch the clip embedded there.
Here's a glimpse:
This scene should trouble all moral people, no matter their political viewpoint with regard to settlements, land for peace, etc. And, I think it behooves the Jewish music community to stop playing that song. Previously, my policy has been that I won't call it on a job, but if it was a request, I'd do it. At this point, I feel like a stronger stance needs to be taken. We need to stop playing this song, and to actively speak out against this kind of thing. This is my protest! Where's yours?
The following Times of Israel article, "Clip Shows Far-Right Wedding-Goers Celebrating Duma Killings", went viral today. I encourage all of you, difficult as it will be, to watch the clip embedded there.
Here's a glimpse:
Footage released on Wednesday showed dozens of young Israeli right-wing extremists, said to be linked to the suspected perpetrators of the Dawabsha family murder, celebrating the killing at a wedding last week.
The images in the clip immediately sparked wide condemnation. The video, aired by Channel 10, shows revelers at the Jerusalem celebration waving knives, rifles, pistols and a Molotov cocktail during the wedding. Amid the festivities, a photo of baby Ali Dawabsha, who was burned to death in the July 31 firebombing in the West Bank village of Duma, is shown being repeatedly stabbed, according to the report.
The crowd in the video chants the lyrics of a song which include a verse from Judges 16:28, quoting Samson, blinded in Gaza, saying “let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes” — but changing the word Philistines to Palestine.
The couple whose wedding was being celebrated was said to be friends of Jewish extremists detained in connection with the firebombing attack.The song they are referring to is Dov Shurin's "Zochreini Na", and it is very clear from the clip as to how it is taken by that community. And, no, that clip doesn't reflect on everyone from that community, but there is clearly a critical mass that is comfortable singing about killing babies, even when it's not an abstract concept. As you'll see, they're doing it while waving a pic of a one year old that was burned to death, and then stabbing the picture too.
This scene should trouble all moral people, no matter their political viewpoint with regard to settlements, land for peace, etc. And, I think it behooves the Jewish music community to stop playing that song. Previously, my policy has been that I won't call it on a job, but if it was a request, I'd do it. At this point, I feel like a stronger stance needs to be taken. We need to stop playing this song, and to actively speak out against this kind of thing. This is my protest! Where's yours?
From the mailbag...
Shua Hoexter writes:
I've followed & enjoyed your blog for a while. Would love to hear what you think of a new creative project based in Pittsburgh, blending Jewish music, contemporary sounds and improvisation.
Check out "Chillent" at:https://www.facebook.com/chillentband
Thanks for listening!"
Peeps Again!
"Bad News Bear"
This peep loves to be the bearer of bad news. She's the one who has to come over during a kumzits at the end of a wedding to inform the singer mid-song that Yosi Piamenta passed away. True story. Now, keep smiling and start another song!
"Knows His Key"
This peep knows what key he sings in. But, he doesn't know the name of the key. So, it's not F# minor, but rather, "one lower than G minor." An oddly endearing quirk.
"Doesn't Know the Words"
This peep with a good voice will always get up and sing at events he's at. For some reason, the guests always want him to. This even though he butcher's the words EVERY time, no matter the song. Whether it's Vezakeini or even Shir Hama'alos, he can be counted on to screw it up. And yet, they applaud and the next time, ask him to do it again.
"My Family Has Yichus"
This peep takes twenty minutes at the beginning of his Sheva Brachos speech to let the guests know EXACTLY who his family is. A full accounting of all rabbis, successful businessmen, etc. must be given. Seriously, twenty minutes. I timed him.
"7 & 3/4 Guy"
This peep leads the singing in between Sheva Brachos blessings. He will drop an eighth note at the end of every phrase. Consistently.
"Sheer Pantsuit Lady"
This feisty eighty year old will show up in an effectively sheer pantsuit. I say effectively because it wouldn't have been see-through if she'd worn something light underneath it. The black bra and undies though...
"The Seforim Holder"
This guy comes to the fundraising dinner for his Gap year yeshiva carrying a sefer ostentatiously. He never uses it that night (or possibly much ever).
"So, I Married A Hooker"
This guy brings his wife, dressed in loud flashy revealing clothing and stiletto heels to the same yeshiva dinner "Seforim Holder" is at. All of the other wives are dressed in modest attire, as expected.
"The Sheet Music Reader"
This peep will take advantage of the band's break to get up on stage and flip through the band's charts. Then, he'll come over and ask specific questions aimed at demonstrating his comprehension of the charts. Um, yes that polyrhythmic instruction at the top of the chart does mean exactly what it says, and we do play that tune in F#. And, thanks for going through our stuff!
This peep loves to be the bearer of bad news. She's the one who has to come over during a kumzits at the end of a wedding to inform the singer mid-song that Yosi Piamenta passed away. True story. Now, keep smiling and start another song!
"Knows His Key"
This peep knows what key he sings in. But, he doesn't know the name of the key. So, it's not F# minor, but rather, "one lower than G minor." An oddly endearing quirk.
"Doesn't Know the Words"
This peep with a good voice will always get up and sing at events he's at. For some reason, the guests always want him to. This even though he butcher's the words EVERY time, no matter the song. Whether it's Vezakeini or even Shir Hama'alos, he can be counted on to screw it up. And yet, they applaud and the next time, ask him to do it again.
"My Family Has Yichus"
This peep takes twenty minutes at the beginning of his Sheva Brachos speech to let the guests know EXACTLY who his family is. A full accounting of all rabbis, successful businessmen, etc. must be given. Seriously, twenty minutes. I timed him.
"7 & 3/4 Guy"
This peep leads the singing in between Sheva Brachos blessings. He will drop an eighth note at the end of every phrase. Consistently.
"Sheer Pantsuit Lady"
This feisty eighty year old will show up in an effectively sheer pantsuit. I say effectively because it wouldn't have been see-through if she'd worn something light underneath it. The black bra and undies though...
"The Seforim Holder"
This guy comes to the fundraising dinner for his Gap year yeshiva carrying a sefer ostentatiously. He never uses it that night (or possibly much ever).
"So, I Married A Hooker"
This guy brings his wife, dressed in loud flashy revealing clothing and stiletto heels to the same yeshiva dinner "Seforim Holder" is at. All of the other wives are dressed in modest attire, as expected.
"The Sheet Music Reader"
This peep will take advantage of the band's break to get up on stage and flip through the band's charts. Then, he'll come over and ask specific questions aimed at demonstrating his comprehension of the charts. Um, yes that polyrhythmic instruction at the top of the chart does mean exactly what it says, and we do play that tune in F#. And, thanks for going through our stuff!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Monday, December 07, 2015
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Another Chanukah Video... "Light Em Up" - Beri Weber ft. The Zemiros Group
Friday, December 04, 2015
Still More Chanukah Videos... MC Flow - Pot in the Latkes
Oh dear!
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Kol Isha On Cross-Currents. Really!
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein posts Schiller, Fartaytsht un Farbesert, Binyumen Schaechter's Choral arrangement of Beethoven's Ode to Joy with Yiddish words by I.L. Peretz.
Nice that Rabbi A. posted it, because of the message it sends about listening to women singing in a chorus and halachik possibility.
Nice that Rabbi A. posted it, because of the message it sends about listening to women singing in a chorus and halachik possibility.
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
מופע חג הגאולה י״ט כסלו בי״ז כסלו תשע״ו - בנייני האומה ירושלים
Why do we not have this sort of powerful exploration of Chasidic music here? It's always the same overblown, impersonal extravaganzas. How about inviting a handful of creative, unique musicians to collaboratively put their own spin on the music, instead of just playing charts?
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
All They're Singing Is "Give Peace A Chance"....
.... wait, no, that's not what they're singing.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
In a follow up to a conspiracy theory laden post from last week, Shlager references Jewish Community Watch's perspective and than washes their hands of the subject.
Conspiracy theories that make an industry look bad, sure, no problem. Protecting children, well, we don't know about that....
סערת המפיק החשוד במעשים חמורים ממשיכה להכות גלים
Conspiracy theories that make an industry look bad, sure, no problem. Protecting children, well, we don't know about that....
סערת המפיק החשוד במעשים חמורים ממשיכה להכות גלים
Off the Review Stack...
Mesivta of Waterbury - Stay With Me
This new release, featuring songs composed and performed by students and alumni of the Mesivta of Waterbury (with some guest musicians), is quite a pleasant surprise, with nice vocals and understated production. I really like the approach the guys took on this one.
The album captures a nice folk-rock blend that sounds like the Rabbis' Sons meets Yosef Karduner. These are nice contemporary settings of mainly the usual types of liturgical texts like Ani Ma'amin, Gam Ki Elech, Oseh Shalom, Hashem Melech, etc. with two (and a half) original English songs.
The arrangements are largely guitar based, although there are some nice guest turns on percussion, violin, and clarinet on some tracks. There's also a nice vibraphone solo on "Hold On." All in all, a very tastefully done project. And, you can tell that at least some of the people involved have an appreciation/love for older Jewish music.
Fave tracks include "Hashem Melech" with a great acoustic guitar intro, and "Mishoich", which really captures a Karduner vibe with strong rhythmic acoustic guitar, and percussion, but no drum set.
Amazon has the album here: http://amzn.to/1GWga6m
This new release, featuring songs composed and performed by students and alumni of the Mesivta of Waterbury (with some guest musicians), is quite a pleasant surprise, with nice vocals and understated production. I really like the approach the guys took on this one.
The album captures a nice folk-rock blend that sounds like the Rabbis' Sons meets Yosef Karduner. These are nice contemporary settings of mainly the usual types of liturgical texts like Ani Ma'amin, Gam Ki Elech, Oseh Shalom, Hashem Melech, etc. with two (and a half) original English songs.
The arrangements are largely guitar based, although there are some nice guest turns on percussion, violin, and clarinet on some tracks. There's also a nice vibraphone solo on "Hold On." All in all, a very tastefully done project. And, you can tell that at least some of the people involved have an appreciation/love for older Jewish music.
Fave tracks include "Hashem Melech" with a great acoustic guitar intro, and "Mishoich", which really captures a Karduner vibe with strong rhythmic acoustic guitar, and percussion, but no drum set.
Amazon has the album here: http://amzn.to/1GWga6m
SoCalled - Peoplewatching
Josh Dolgin aka SoCalled first came to my attention with his "SoCalled Seder" project. He followed that up with "Ghettoblaster", a nice album including a homage to Jewish Cowboys as well as a slammin’ version of that Yiddish classic "Belz", which you can hear over the closing credits to "Midlife Crisis", a Yiddish Seinfeldesque mini-series on YouTube. He was a also a key member of "Abraham Inc." A klez-funk collab he did with clarinetist David Krakauer and trombonist Fred Wesley. SoCalled has been on the faculty of various Klezmer programs as well as performed for numerous Jewish music festivals.
His recent recordings are more pop-oriented dance music, rather than specifically Jewish, albeit with diverse influences including klezmer in the mix. That said, you can’t take the Jewish out of SoCalled’s music, no matter how upbeat and danceable it might be.
On "Peoplewatching", Socalled takes a look at the Good Book and learns from the stories that “It’s not enough that I succeed; everyone else must fail.” Another good lyric: An eye for an iPad/slaves of the phone/land of the imprisoned/ and home of the drones
"Peoplewatching": Nice funky horns on this track! "So many greedy ones/causing all the needy ones."
"Never See You Again" has some profanity as well as a nice trombone solo
In "Extra Ordinary", Socalled confesses that “It’s not kosher, but sometimes I’m a pig.” He also claims to be a door-to-door Wikipedia salesman, among other things.
"Fire on Hutchison Street" is a song about how Shabbos candles caught a curtain on fire at an apartment across the street from Socalled’s place…
“An audience assembles across Hudson Street to watch/Hasids there to see the fire blazing/movies and TV forbidden/ so this is the show to watch/ police cars, smoke, and fireman quite amazing"
Fave tracks include “Everyone Must Fail”, “Peoplewatching”, “Extra Ordinary” and “Fire on Hutchinson Street”.
Lots of fun wordplay! Forget the Grammy, Socalled's "gonna wait for the whole Ounce-y."
Amazon has the album here: http://amzn.to/1NJcHcz
Mames Babegenush: Mames Babegenush
This a gorgeous klezmer project from Denmark. It's a nice pop/klez hybrid with Balkan overtones and an experimental bent. The band also cites influences from Michael Jackson, Brian Eno, and Phillip Glass.
I liked this one. The musicianship and arrangements are superb!
Fave tracks include"Isortok Nights", "La Loteria en Babylonia","Hanganu", and "Gathering Nigun", but the whole thing is excellent!
Sergio Mendes - Magic
This Grammy nominated album has no Jewish content whatsoever, but is nevertheless a fun album. Nice Latin piano/keys from Sergio Mendes, mainly on upbeat dance collaborations with various guest vocalists. Bossa/Samba/jazz/dance pop.Not the sort of album I typically get here for review, but fun nonetheless.
Fave tracks include "Simbora", "Don't Say Goodbye" (featuring John Legend), and "Samba de Roda".
Amazon has the album here: http://amzn.to/1HGNMQm
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
This Oughtta Convince 'Em!
Although, the idea of using songs rather than teshuvot does intrigue. Hmm....
Monday, November 02, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Support for Israel or Shameless Self-Plugging
I played a gig at a venue which had a stand of Five Towns Jewish Times newspapers. Here is the ENTIRE text/coverage of the rally in Times Square last week in support of Israel that supposedly drew 7000 people according to its organizers as published in the recent edition.
Support for Israel or Shameless Self-Plugging by/for musicians? We report, you decide!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Believe It!
Check out what happens at 17:20, that is all! GINDI TLV FASHION WEEK Tovale SHOW 2015
Via Tablet Magazine
Via Tablet Magazine
Not Hip To Be Skver
חגיגות בסקווירא: ריקודים ושתיית לחיים - בחצרות קודש - בחצרות חסידים - בחדרי חרדים
Public dancing and celebrating in Skver as the arsonist/attempted murderer of a Skver dissident family gets re-classified as a youthful offender -- he was 18 at the time -- and has his seven year sentence reduced to time served.
The singing of this tune in particular "וכל קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק", "אויביו אלביש בושת ועליו יציץ נזרו", (it's the first one in this clip) is just offensive!
Public dancing and celebrating in Skver as the arsonist/attempted murderer of a Skver dissident family gets re-classified as a youthful offender -- he was 18 at the time -- and has his seven year sentence reduced to time served.
The singing of this tune in particular "וכל קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק", "אויביו אלביש בושת ועליו יציץ נזרו", (it's the first one in this clip) is just offensive!
Monday, October 26, 2015
PSA: J-Walking
Don't confuse this J-Walking
with this J-Walking,
despite the similar album art. They are VERY different!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Jerusalem Is Bleeding
In the NY Times... Palestinian Anger in Jerusalem and West Bank Gets a Violent Soundtrack
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Friday, October 09, 2015
Yitzchok Meir Malek
Here's an odd one...
Yitzchak Meir Malek posted this video of him singing Shema Yisrael as a call to prayer on his Facebook page, where it has received over 10,000 shares, 9,900+likes and 1,400 comments thus far.
He's also posted a news article about his singing: WATCH What This American Israeli Singer Did To Teach Muslims A Lesson About God And Jerusalem.
Setting apart the question of whether this is an appropriate response or not, here is a larger issue here. Nowhere in the post or article does it indicate that it's not his voice. An awful lot of people have commented complimenting him on his voice and he hasn't acknowledged it there either, as far as I can tell. It's pretty dishonest for a singer to put something out, representing or implying that its his singing, and not clarifying that it isn't him, when so many obviously are taken in. It is insulting to his listeners, to all of those vocalists who work hard at their craft, and, of course, to the singer whose work he lifted without attribution.
Here's the clip he used, which was posted to YouTube in 2007. The singer in the track is unidentified.
Yitzchak Meir Malek posted this video of him singing Shema Yisrael as a call to prayer on his Facebook page, where it has received over 10,000 shares, 9,900+likes and 1,400 comments thus far.
He's also posted a news article about his singing: WATCH What This American Israeli Singer Did To Teach Muslims A Lesson About God And Jerusalem.
Setting apart the question of whether this is an appropriate response or not, here is a larger issue here. Nowhere in the post or article does it indicate that it's not his voice. An awful lot of people have commented complimenting him on his voice and he hasn't acknowledged it there either, as far as I can tell. It's pretty dishonest for a singer to put something out, representing or implying that its his singing, and not clarifying that it isn't him, when so many obviously are taken in. It is insulting to his listeners, to all of those vocalists who work hard at their craft, and, of course, to the singer whose work he lifted without attribution.
Here's the clip he used, which was posted to YouTube in 2007. The singer in the track is unidentified.
Thursday, October 08, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
P.J. O'Rourke Schools Ann Coulter
She Said What?
Money quote is the closer.... "But at least Louie and Steve tried to be smart. And thank God—specifically YHWH—for the few, the very few, the chosen if you will, people in Toledo who tried. Who tried to cheer the Freedom Riders, tried to debate the ideas of Herman Kahn, tried to get to Chicago to see Lenny Bruce at the Gate of Horn, tried to read Herbert Marcuse and Eric Hoffer, and tried to dig Thelonious Monk.
Money quote is the closer.... "But at least Louie and Steve tried to be smart. And thank God—specifically YHWH—for the few, the very few, the chosen if you will, people in Toledo who tried. Who tried to cheer the Freedom Riders, tried to debate the ideas of Herman Kahn, tried to get to Chicago to see Lenny Bruce at the Gate of Horn, tried to read Herbert Marcuse and Eric Hoffer, and tried to dig Thelonious Monk.
Ann, I understand you’re a fan of Phish."
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Dr. Dreizich is Back!
He only had one song, but it's a good one...
"Last week in yeshiva I gave a chaburah.... to anyone who didn't come to my chaburah."
"Last week in yeshiva I gave a chaburah.... to anyone who didn't come to my chaburah."
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Monday, September 07, 2015
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Yosi Piamenta Z"L
Jewish rock guitarist Yosi Piamenta passed away this week.
Here's the first of a series of videos of a great show he played at Wetlands in the mid 90's
Yosi Piamenta live at "Rock for Shabbos" at the Wetlands 10 24 94 part 1
Here's some writing about him at Tablet and the Forward...
Rocker Yosi Piamenta, Who Wowed Crowds with His Soulful Electric Licks for Four Decades, Dies at 64
Yosi Piamenta, a Virtuoso Guitarist Who Reshaped Jewish Music
Here's the first of a series of videos of a great show he played at Wetlands in the mid 90's
Yosi Piamenta live at "Rock for Shabbos" at the Wetlands 10 24 94 part 1
Here's some writing about him at Tablet and the Forward...
Rocker Yosi Piamenta, Who Wowed Crowds with His Soulful Electric Licks for Four Decades, Dies at 64
Yosi Piamenta, a Virtuoso Guitarist Who Reshaped Jewish Music
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Aaron Alexander's Klez Messengers
Check it out! Nicely done, boys!
Aaron Alexander, Michael Winograd & Patrick Farrell | Aaron Alexander & the Klez Messengers
Aaron Alexander, Michael Winograd & Patrick Farrell | Aaron Alexander & the Klez Messengers
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Oy, Jewschool!
Meanwhile, over at Jewschool, Daniel Sieradski posts an anti-Matisyahu screed, "Thoughts on Matisyahu and BDS." Personally, I think Sieradski ought to have mentioned that he had a close relationship with Matisyahu, including designing websites for him when Matisyahu was starting out. That would also be the time that Matisyahu was performing in "Unity sessions" with anti-Israel Palestinian rappers.
At the very least, it'd have been intellectually honest for Sieradski disclose this in his piece. Update: Check the comments too. Even Jewschoolers ain't buying Sieradski's nonsense.
At the very least, it'd have been intellectually honest for Sieradski disclose this in his piece. Update: Check the comments too. Even Jewschoolers ain't buying Sieradski's nonsense.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Monday, August 10, 2015
שירת העשבים השוטים- רינת גוטמן מארחת את המסיח
Ortho-rapper Rinat Gutman is back and she's mad!
Thursday, August 06, 2015
More on Lipa
Vos Iz Neias: Israeli Radio Station Bans Lipa New Song “Bueh, Bueh”
This quote could easily be applied to this project. "Schmeltzer noted that while Jews tend to be trailblazers in many fields, they tend to settle for second best when it comes to the arts."
This quote could easily be applied to this project. "Schmeltzer noted that while Jews tend to be trailblazers in many fields, they tend to settle for second best when it comes to the arts."
More Lipa Controversy
Life in Israel: Lipa pushes the envelope, possibly scoffing at Rav Chaim Kanievsky.
Seems manufactured to me. At any rate, now having heard several tracks off the new album, I'm definitely not a fan of this stuff. I can appreciate good EDM, but this isn't it. It's formulaic, no interesting timbres, solos, or arrangements. A shame, because if Lipa wanted to do the EDM thing right, he could've hired top EDM producers easily enough.
Seems manufactured to me. At any rate, now having heard several tracks off the new album, I'm definitely not a fan of this stuff. I can appreciate good EDM, but this isn't it. It's formulaic, no interesting timbres, solos, or arrangements. A shame, because if Lipa wanted to do the EDM thing right, he could've hired top EDM producers easily enough.
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
This Song Will Give you A Lift!
Life in Israel has the details
Tuesday, August 04, 2015
We Love Lipa, But...
... his current musical direction is not compelling. See for yourself here: Lipa’s New CD Set For Release – New Single
Friday, July 31, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
Levy Falkowitz Debut Album Sampler
A lot of new Chasidic albums being released this season. This one sounds like it might be a nice hybrid of trad. and contemporary stylings. Falkowitz is a very good singer.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Rav Henkin on Carlebach Minyanin - Torah Musings
Over at Torah Musings... Rav Henkin on Carlebach Minyanim and other musical davening thoughts.
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Monday, July 06, 2015
Saturday, July 04, 2015
Take her to the bridge, throw her overboard... How Squeeze seized the keys to their back catalogue.
Thursday, July 02, 2015
Notation Notions
Interesting... To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade? A Notation Software Update
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Senior Set List
Played a dinner for a shul with a largely senior population.
They requested line dancing.
Here's the request list.
Shalom Aleichem - Regesh
Turkish Kiss
Hinei Ma Tov - MBC
Hafachta - Avraham Fried
Chiribim - Oif Simchas
Adan Doeg - Avraham Fried
Revach - MBC
Numa Numa
Electric Slide
Rashi's Nigun - MBD
Hadegel Sheli
Adone Olam - MBC
Cotton-eyed Joe
Am Echad - Ari Goldwag
Fulfill Your Tefilah - Benny Friedman (Never had a request for this one before)
Felt like a Bat Mitzvah. One of the younger (20's) guests came over and requested that we play a game of Coke/Pepsi.
They requested line dancing.
Here's the request list.
Shalom Aleichem - Regesh
Turkish Kiss
Hinei Ma Tov - MBC
Hafachta - Avraham Fried
Chiribim - Oif Simchas
Adan Doeg - Avraham Fried
Revach - MBC
Numa Numa
Electric Slide
Rashi's Nigun - MBD
Hadegel Sheli
Adone Olam - MBC
Cotton-eyed Joe
Am Echad - Ari Goldwag
Fulfill Your Tefilah - Benny Friedman (Never had a request for this one before)
Felt like a Bat Mitzvah. One of the younger (20's) guests came over and requested that we play a game of Coke/Pepsi.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
From the mailbag...
Reuven A. Stone writes:
In memory of the Three Boys who were murdered last year in Israel, Shloimy Bluth and I wrote,
recorded and produced a video tribute called "Can You Hear Us," which is now on Youtube.
We humbly submit to you this link in hopes you will post it and keep the memory of these
boys alive.
Thank you!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
Holy Rock!
Over at the Wall Street Journal... Israeli Rock Music’s Spiritual New Sound
Thursday, June 11, 2015
An Interesting Approach!
A producer started a GoFundMe page so people who pirated the album can pay for it.
Pay for the music you like! by Naftali Schnitzler - GoFundMe
Pay for the music you like! by Naftali Schnitzler - GoFundMe
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Friday, June 05, 2015
This Does Not Look Good!
תחקיר: כך ניסה איש עסקים להפיל את הרב ריסקין
Several familiar names show up here. And to think I thought the minor lack of honesty/payment issues I've had to deal with recently from one office were troubling. Ouch!
UPDATE: Some details are at FM, "Top Modern Orthodox Rabbi Files Countersuit Against Enemy," but the entire story is laid out in the Hebrew Makor Rishon investigative article posted above.
Several familiar names show up here. And to think I thought the minor lack of honesty/payment issues I've had to deal with recently from one office were troubling. Ouch!
UPDATE: Some details are at FM, "Top Modern Orthodox Rabbi Files Countersuit Against Enemy," but the entire story is laid out in the Hebrew Makor Rishon investigative article posted above.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
'עבודת הניגון' בקבלת שבת יחד עם חיליק פרנק - ישיבת עתניאל
A shiur on the "art of the nigun" from a master!
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Bar Kochva/The Last of the Mohicans Mashup
What if someone made a Bar Kochva/Last of the Mohicans dubstep mashup?
Monday, May 04, 2015
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Biz Hundred Un Tzvontsig!
In the NY Times... an Irving Fields (of Bagels and Bongos fame) profile.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Film Ban?
Over at Failed Messiah... Hasidim Ban Ex-Hasid Luzer Twersky's New Film, Felix And Meira
Personally, I'd be more impressed if FM had any actual info about which community this happened in, who was behind the ban etc.
Personally, I'd be more impressed if FM had any actual info about which community this happened in, who was behind the ban etc.
The Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia Hebrew Project
Sagol 59 & Ami Yares - The Promised Land
Check this out!!! Hebrew translations of classic Dead tunes.
Check this out!!! Hebrew translations of classic Dead tunes.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
▶ ניגון מקדש מלך -הרב ישאל מאיר לאו ורביעיית "הלב והמעיין"
Simply gorgeous!
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Interview with Lew Soloff Z"L
Did you know his first trumpet teacher was one of the Epstein Brothers?
Monday, March 16, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Devaluing With A Nigun
Elizabeth Kirshner writes a nice piece, Praying With Zusha.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Monday, March 02, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Chain, Chain, Chain
Harry Maryles on Skver and Lipa in Breaking the Chains
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Gothamist: Why Are Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Trying To Destroy This Hasidic Pop Star?
The title of this Gothamist piece says it all... Why Are Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Trying To Destroy This Hasidic Pop Star?
Great article!
Great article!
If I Were A Rich Man....
In the Jewish Week... Modern Orthodoxy Has Its Costs – Not Just Financial
Here's a taste:
Here's a taste:
In Israel, the head of a yeshiva is also a best-selling and award-winning novelist. In America, we get excited about holiday-themed a capella parodies, newly (and briefly) observant reggae artists, paint-the-parsha programs, and novelists who do not know the difference between Tosafot and the Tosefta but know and use a dozen Yiddish words for genitalia.
A reader might be tempted to ask: “So what?” As long as Modern Orthodoxy is producing rabbis, teachers, and enough big earners to support the community’s infrastructure and personnel, does it matter that it is not producing playwrights, poets, and pianists?
It does. Modern Orthodoxy is, or ought to be, a rich and challenging lifestyle that profoundly engages a broad range of thick Jewish experiences. It has a great deal to offer the Jewish world and the broader religious world. But without a vibrant creative class, there is no communal unpacking of that experience, no collective expression or catharsis, no mirror to show the community how it looks from the outside, no legacy of the community’s unique contributions.
Monday, February 16, 2015
More peeps
"The Idiot Photographer"
This peep has no self awareness or self control.
When I play smaller events, with just a keyboard/small system, I occasionally skip bringing a mixer, and simply plug my vocal mic into my keyboard and run the keyboard directly into my powered speaker setup. Up until today, this worked great.
However, when this peep is around, the system has a flaw. That is, when the Bat Mitzvah girls friends are singing their a cappella song about the Bat Mitzvah girl on the mic, said peep will go over to the keyboard and start banging on it along with them. The few 'out of key' right handed flute notes were annoying, but when he triggered the full-on arrangement of "Te Pego" with his left hand, the presentation was done.
Since there's no way to have the volume of the keyboard off, when the mic is being used for presentations in this setup, musicians need to keep a sharp eye out when the "Idiot Photographer" is on the gig.
"The Hapless Videographer"
This peep, who is not connected in any way to the "Idiot Photographer" will show up at the gig and discover that his camera isn't working. Naturally, he won't have a backup. Also naturally, he won't tell the client or call a colleague for help. Instead, he'll walk around pretending to shoot the gig, only to tell the client at the end of the gig that something went wrong and the footage is gone.
"The Clueless Booker"
This person will text you to ask if you're available. When asked what time/where the gig is, there will be no response. A few days later, they'll text again, asking about availability. The same exchange ensues and they drop the conversation again. A few days later... same thing. Just had three with one such peep, but had more with someone once.
This peep has no self awareness or self control.
When I play smaller events, with just a keyboard/small system, I occasionally skip bringing a mixer, and simply plug my vocal mic into my keyboard and run the keyboard directly into my powered speaker setup. Up until today, this worked great.
However, when this peep is around, the system has a flaw. That is, when the Bat Mitzvah girls friends are singing their a cappella song about the Bat Mitzvah girl on the mic, said peep will go over to the keyboard and start banging on it along with them. The few 'out of key' right handed flute notes were annoying, but when he triggered the full-on arrangement of "Te Pego" with his left hand, the presentation was done.
Since there's no way to have the volume of the keyboard off, when the mic is being used for presentations in this setup, musicians need to keep a sharp eye out when the "Idiot Photographer" is on the gig.
"The Hapless Videographer"
This peep, who is not connected in any way to the "Idiot Photographer" will show up at the gig and discover that his camera isn't working. Naturally, he won't have a backup. Also naturally, he won't tell the client or call a colleague for help. Instead, he'll walk around pretending to shoot the gig, only to tell the client at the end of the gig that something went wrong and the footage is gone.
"The Clueless Booker"
This person will text you to ask if you're available. When asked what time/where the gig is, there will be no response. A few days later, they'll text again, asking about availability. The same exchange ensues and they drop the conversation again. A few days later... same thing. Just had three with one such peep, but had more with someone once.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
An interview with Daniel Spreadbury
Over at Sibelius Blog An interview with Daniel Spreadbury
I'm very much looking forward to seeing what they come up with!
I'm very much looking forward to seeing what they come up with!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Its All About That Jingle
Over at Tablet... Kars 4 Kids Rakes in the Buckz—by Not Touting Its Jewish Beneficiaries
Monday, February 02, 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
From the mailbag....
Yosef Peysin writes:
We are Rogers Park, a Chicago-based Hassidic Folk/Pop band that just released this video today as part of the national NPR "Tiny Desk Concert" competition.
This song is based off of the old Russian Chabad niggun - "Nyet Nyet Nikavo", which is the concept of "Ain Oid Milvado", and this is how we interpret it in English.The song is called "The Holy One"Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6B2Jd1PBpM
Thursday, January 22, 2015
That Time When Pink Floyd....
... put an anti-Semitic sax player on their new record. 'Circumcised trolls' row: Protest after Jewish jazzman has Nottingham concert cancelled.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
שגריר ג'אז: "בכל מקום מחפש את המוזיקה"
Nice Hebrew interview with percussionist Gilad Dobrecky: שגריר ג'אז: "בכל מקום מחפש את המוזיקה" | Xnet.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows
"The Voice" finalist Eyal Cohen, who wouldn't perform with women during the program, and whom the producers graciously accommodated in this regard, and Ofir Ben Shetrit, the daati finalist from last year's season, released a political single in support of Naftali Bennet's "Bayit Yehudi."
ג'ינגל הבית היהודי 2015 - אנחנו אחים - אייל כהן ואופיר בן שטרית
ג'ינגל הבית היהודי 2015 - אנחנו אחים - אייל כהן ואופיר בן שטרית
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Divorced So She Could Sing
Details at the Forward's Sisterhood blog... After Ten Years, Finding Her Voice
Monday, January 05, 2015
The Peeps Are Out In Force Again!
Vafilu Behastore Guy
No need to describe this peep. The name says it all. He needs to sing "Nigun Hastore". Many times. Doing the A section four times each time through. Then doing the B four times to end. Genug!
The Dinner Singer
This peep comes over with a laundry list of songs he wants to sing during dinner. Four-five at least. Wishes Chayil, Carlebach's Mimkomcha. Yes, the long one. Vezakeini. And more.Naturally, the chosson "wants" him to sing. For real. Also naturally, he wants to finish his set with "Nigun Hastore." Of course, with all the extra repeated bits, as his friend we just mentioned likes to do it. Oy!
No need to describe this peep. The name says it all. He needs to sing "Nigun Hastore". Many times. Doing the A section four times each time through. Then doing the B four times to end. Genug!
The Dinner Singer
This peep comes over with a laundry list of songs he wants to sing during dinner. Four-five at least. Wishes Chayil, Carlebach's Mimkomcha. Yes, the long one. Vezakeini. And more.Naturally, the chosson "wants" him to sing. For real. Also naturally, he wants to finish his set with "Nigun Hastore." Of course, with all the extra repeated bits, as his friend we just mentioned likes to do it. Oy!
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