Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The Artist Formerly Known As...

First, Prince changed his name to a glyph, then Puff Daddy became P.Diddy...

now Yisroel Williger is "Srully Williger!"

What is it with Sheya Mendlowitz produced recordings? First, Jonathan Morgenstern gives up any name recognition he had from his days as a soloist for the Miami Boys Choir to become Shalom Morgenstern, and now this! What's the point???

As a side rant, why do so many of the "YU" artists feel the need to pretend to be "yeshivish" to market their albums? Jonathan Morgenstern becoming "Shalom" Morgenstern is one example - BTW, wouldn't the authentically yeshivish spelling be "Sholom" with two O's? - and the Kol Zimra guys, who put on black velvet yarmulkas instead of their usual kippot srugot for their album cover are another.