Friday, March 21, 2008

Purim Media

The Klezmer Shack links to the Austin Klezmorim's definitive hipster take on tonight's story, the "Big Megillah." Awesome!

HyperSemitic's Adam Soclof emails about, which we'd linked earlier.
" We're getting very positive feedback from educators, who are using it in their classrooms. Please feel free to post to your blog, and to use our as a "Chag Sameach" greeting for family and friends"
Michoel Pruzansky has released a Purim video of one of his songs.

Here's a Yiddish Alef-Beis song from Kobi Arieli's show on Purim a while ago. Not politically correct, but strangely compelling.

Here's a short clip of the classic Bobover Purim song "Pirim Luni" which was composed by the Bobover Rebbe, Harav Ben Zion Halberstam, grandfather of the current Bobover Rebbe.

Here's a longer video clip of the Purim Seuda at Bobov last year.
Check out Layhidim at 2:56 or so. Here's a short snippet of just that melody.

Here's another "Trink Seuda" video. The lyrics for the A and B of Tzomo have been reversed. V'nahafoch hu?

Finally, a Purim skit from Efrat: "Husband Gemach!"