So, perhaps a more humorous approach to this contretempts is appropriate.
I'm thinking perhaps a tribute recording of Lipa's music for Purim, performed in more "appropriate arrangements" by different artists? I'm hearing a nice acoustic Klezmer version of "Gelt" with a guest rap by Y-Love.
To contrast with "Kosher" contemporary JM, here's a clip of Dovid Gabay singing Ben Bag Bag at a simcha. This is apparently what acceptable JM is. This is a Shwekey song that has been regularly played at Chareidi simchos over the past few years.
We could definitely pull something together that would feel more "heimish" plus it would be way hipper.
Lipa's music doesn't need to be inappropriate. I'd like to play you Abi M'leibt.
Contrast that with the Ben Bag bag clip above. If the Lipa adaptation is inappropriate, then why is this other stuff allowed? It's certainly not any less raucous.
To get things rolling, here are some images for the CD cover art. Let me know which you prefer.

I'm not sure I'm kidding about this. Whaddya say, Y-Love?