Tuesday, February 19, 2008

From the mailbag...

Jonathan Baker writes:
I got to somewhat more of the conference, starting from the second session.

I review it here, referencing your post.
Avi writes in response to Pinny Gilden:
For anybody who still wants to know, 87.5 is broadcast, as far as I know, out of the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva on 76th Ave. I live across the street, and listen to it all the time.
E. contributes a peep:
"White Pajamas Guy"

This guy stands out in crowd at a simcha or even Friday night in shul. He's the socially awkward, yet articulately brilliant artsy dude, not quite an inebriated hippy, but not quite a lame yeshiva boy who usually shows up looking like a slumber party reject dressed in what appears to be oversized white pajamas that could be a sailor suit without the blue knot or a two piece west indian mourning tunic. He might choose to categorize himself on the Jewish singles' site menu as "Carlbachian Breslover enthiusiast" or some other equally ambiguous and random spiritual classification.
Hesh writes:
Hey thanks for the link man, I thought this may be of interest to you- since everyones getting so serious I decided to make a funny video of my thoughts of the shietle store boycott. I am basically doing my rants- which have been becoming popular thanks to several blogs who have posted the videos including Life of Rubin and Gruntig. Take a look and feel free to print this email- because I know you do.
Shmuel Simenowitz writes:
Regarding the controversial shop window: "The photos there appear distinctive in the "provocative" head-tilt the models sport. ( The more modest models in the other shops you photographed keep their necks nice and straight.)

Could a ban on women's public head-tilting be far off?"

I have been to more modeling photo shoots than I care to remember over the 20+ years I was an entertainment lawyer and no matter how many people are present at the shoot (make-up, wardrobe, lighting as well as the usual sycophants) it invariably comes down to a "one-on-one" between the model and the photog who is trying to get her to give him "attitude" and more, etc. So are the photos pornographic? certainly not. But were they intended to be ever so sly, coquettish, kittenish and titilating? of course - let's just be straight on that point. When I posted that opinion on DovBear I was asked whether I was kidding or just a whacko! But I'm gonna hold my ground on this one.
"Krum Frum" writes:
Article on music volume from Yeshiva World... I wonder what your thoughts are on this one...
I've written a number of posts about the volume issue which can be found by searching the blog archives. Here's a sample: "In Which The Jewish Observer Gets Fisked!"