Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Chevra Update

Following up on their concert at Brooklyn College last Sunday, "The Chevra" appeared live on JM in the AM this morning.

Here's some of the dialogue between host Nochum Segal and Chevra producer Eli Gerstner.

Note: The transcription isn't precisely word for word, but the substance is accurate.
Listen for yourself in the archives on the JM in the AM website. (of special interest is the one-man-band version of Yehai.

N: You sound much farther away then you are.
E: Broadcasted live from heaven.
N: Some would say the Chevra sounds heavenly

E: The concert was great!
E: Unbelievable crowd!
N: How were sales?
E: We only see the first two rows. Based on ticket sales we don't know exactly what it did/didn't sell.

N: Unbelievable! Those of you who that there's any type of machinery or gimmick that can make someone's voice sound a little different on a Chevra album, Eli Gerstner, I think we just proved that that's not the case.
E: [Sarcastically] We recorded the whole album in actually a couple of hours.

E: I knew we made it when a "chossonkallah" [Apparently it's one word. Ed.] said "two songs you can't play at my wedding – Yidden and Yehai. Yisroel Lamm told me that. He said "Eli, you made it." … If we're on the same level as Yidden, that's ok!

In related news…

Blog in Dm's YU Seforim Sale correspondent reports that the overwhelming female response to the Chevra 2 cover is "oh, my G-d, look how fat they've gotten!!!"

In general, we wouldn't comment about JM performers weight, but since the entire marketing/promotion of the Chevra has been geared towards objectifying the members and creating a "Jewish Boy Band", we feel that this is quite relevant.

Here's a favorable review of the show that notes
It was far from a sold out concert; the womens' section was practically empty and the balcony wasn't filled either, but the orchestra section was packed. The first few rows were full of overly enthusiastic girls who were waving hands and banners throughout.
Here's a less favorable review.

In fact, many of the follow-up comments on the Yahoo JM Group are of interest as well.

Finally, we've noted the rude behavior of many JM concert attendees before (for instance, here). Here's one person's description of their experience at Sunday's Chevra concert.