The theme this year is "Hasidish Yiddish". KlezKamp runs from December 24th-29th, 2006. in Upstate NY. More info here.
As they did last year, they'll be recording a CD at this year's retreat. Here's the info:
"Ray Musiker: A Living Tradition" CD. At KlezKamp 2006, clarinet master Ray Musiker will record the next in our "A Living Tradition" CD series, featuring Musiker's original and classic material and backed by a stellar staff ensemble of Pete Sokolow (piano), Alex Kontorovich (alto sax), Ken Maltz (tenor sax), Jim Guttmann (bass), Aaron Alexander (drums), and Henry Sapoznik (guitar).Ray is a treasure. I learned a lot from the few him on the few gigs we played together. I booked Ray for a klezmer gig a while back and he brought along music for some of his own tunes that had never been recorded. Fantastic stuff! It's nice to see that he's recording again.
Incidentally, last years German Goldenshteyn album is on the nominating ballot for three Grammy awards.