Wednesday, November 24, 2004

And Another.

The Town Crier has the upcoming Yeshiva University Chanukah concert info.

TTC also points us to this December 25th event.
On Saturday, December 25, 2004, the 1st Annual "Fiddler on the Roof" Sing-Along and Kosher Chinese Dinner will be held, starting at 6pm with a Havdalah ceremony, which signifies the end of the Jewish Sabbath. The idea follows in the tradition of the popular "Sound of Music" sing-alongs and the audience-participation phenomenon of "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Complete with costumes, props and lyrics, the audience will have a chance to show off their melodic talents by singing along with an open-captioned version of selected scenes from the 1971 Oscar-winning musical film adaptation based on the stories of Sholom Aleichem about a poor milkman whose love, pride and faith help him face the oppression of turn-of-the-century czarist Russia.
To add to the fun, the audience is encouraged to attend dressed as a favorite Fiddler character - Tevye the milkman, Yenta the matchmaker, Russian dancers, Motel the tailor, the daughters, etc. Props will be provided, as will activities for younger children. The evening will be topped off by a Tevye look-alike contest and live Klezmer music, followed by a Kosher, vegetarian Chinese feast.
Andrew Silow-Carroll addresses NY Post writer Dawn Eden's op-ed "The Grinch Who Stole 'Messiah.'"

Writes AS-C:
I know the writer -- she contributed to the Forward when I was there -- and while she mentions in the piece that she has a "Jewish father" and that when she was a student in Maplewood "it wasn't always easy being a Jewish kid in the chorus," she does not mention, as she one told Gawker, that "I am indeed a Jew who's accepted Jesus as the Messiah."
Does it matter? I think so, in this case: Among the objections some parents might have to school-sponsored religious music is the fear that their children will be influenced by others' religious ideas. In that case, Eden's syncretic beliefs embody these fears. This topic begs for a discussion of those fears, even if to dismiss them; a writer as personally invested in the blending of Christian and Jewish ideas as Eden, and one who brings other biographical information into her essay, is being coy when she leaves her current beliefs out of the mix.
Paul Wieder reviews a number of JM CD's for Jewish World Review's Chanukah wrap-up.

Bradford Pilcher interviews Asher Kahn for Jewsweek in
"Download Asher Kahn."

Jewsweek also has an interesting profile of Or Music.