Thursday, October 30, 2003

Favorite Bar Mitzvah Songs

The folks at Bar Mitzvah Disco report:
"We asked you to tell us your favorite bar and bat mitzvah songs and you have!! The people have spoken and it turns out the people like really cheesy music."

1. Celebration
2. Thats what Friends are For
3. Chicken Dance
4. Celebrate Good Times
5. Locomotion
6. Twist N' shout
7. Brown Eyed Girl
8. Stairway to Heaven
9. Lady In Red
10. YMCA

Update: On second glance, aren't numbers 1 and 4 the same song?
Take a look at the lyrics for Kool & The Gang's "Celebration" and judge for yourselves. As I've noted in the past, people will often refer to the same song by different names.