Friday, February 28, 2025

Mei'afeilah Le'orah!

Freed hostage Sagi Dekel Chen recorded a version of Keren Shemesh  weeks after being released.

Monday, February 03, 2025

BDE - Benzion Miller Z"L

Saddened to report that Chazzan Benzion Miller Z"L has died. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Keeping the Faith in the IDF

 Mendel Roth, son of the Shomer Emunim Rebbe enlists in the IDF today and releases a song, "Ani Ratz Lakrav".
ראיתי עם עתיק שחידש את נעוריו נלחם כמו אריה ומשמיד את כל אויביו ראיתי איך בורא עולם שומר בניו אשרי העם הזה שאלו ילדיו שמעתי יש לי אח שלוחם למען אחיו משפחה גם עבודה שנה שלמה עזב ראיתי עם גיבור שיש לו לב זהב והרמתי דגל, אני רץ לקרב כמו דוד המלך כמו שמשון הגיבור כמו הפרטיזנים, שלחמו למען האור כמו המכבים, שניצחו את היוונים אני רץ ללחום להגן על יהודים אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ הנני אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ הנני ובין חורבות ובין סלעים רצים שם לוחמים ילדים של עם חזק הוא שמש העמים והם פותחים ת׳דרך בשירת גבורה אריה שואג בדרך ומי לא יירא ובין כותלי בית המדרש הבזיק בי אור חזק דם אחיי נשפך כמים שם ליבי צעק שמעתי כאבו ראיתי דמעותיו וליבי היכה בי, אני רץ לקרב כמו דוד המלך כמו שמשון הגיבור כמו הפרטיזנים, שלחמו למען האור כמו המכבים, שניצחו את היוונים אני רץ ללחום להגן על יהודים אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ הנני אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ אני רץ הנני ראיתי עם עתיק שחידש את נעוריו נלחם כמו אריה ומשמיד את כל אויביו ראיתי איך בורא עולם שומר בניו אשרי העם הזה שאלו ילדיו

Friday, January 03, 2025


The general concept of "bageling" involves someone who isn't obviously Jewish looking identifying themselves to someone who is, not by saying "I'm Jewish too", but rather, by casually dropping a cultural signifier into their approach. For example, saying "boy, that bagel I ate for breakfast hit the spot", "do you know where I can find a good feli around here?" or "Shabbat Shalom" (on a Tuesday). I've noticed a similar musician-specific dynamic as well, particularly in the Yeshivish world..

A few recent examples:


Me: <setting up to play a Bar Mitzvah breakfast at a Yeshiva>
Rebbi 1 to Rebbe 2 commenting loudly in front of me about my gear: RCF, pssshhh, they make the best speakers... etc.


Guy in store who'd clearly been at the public concert I'd played down the road: "You have a 4X?"
Me: A 5X, actually.
Guy: "No one in Lakewood is using those yet."


Guy: <places two-year-old on stage post-show while we are obviously breaking down the gear>
Me: Please take him off the stage, I don't want him to get hurt.
Guy: "It's ok. He knows how to behave around music and sound gear."

People, how about being normal and just saying "Hi! My name is x and I play x?"

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


From the Y-Studs... a Jackson 5 Chanukah! 

From Six13... a Wicked Chanukah!

From the Maccabeats... a Wicked anthem!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Pasken First, Assess The Case Afterwards

This keeps happening!  Rabbis need to stop taking positions based on either ignorance or impression without investigating who/what/why and talking to both sides of an issue before deciding. They don't even know what they don't know.

Additionally, this is a stupid excuse, because if the content is not objectionable, then it shouldn't matter whether or not he thought the songwriter was Chiloni. Sad.

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Singer Mendel Roth Is Joining Tzahal.

 Chasidic singer, Mendel Roth, the son of the Shomer Emunim Rebbe is joining Tzahal.

Monday, October 21, 2024

BD'E - Rav Aviezer Wolfson

 Saddened to report the passing of Rav Aviezer Wolfson, the composer of the well-known Mah Ashiv many of us sing in shul.

BD'E. Yigal Calek Z"L

BD'E, Yigal Calek has died. 

No hedpeidim on Chol Hamoed.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sheitel-Wearing To Save Her Life

 Eden Golan wore a sheitel in Malmo.

Like many frum women, she wore a blonde wig despite being a brunette.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hamas Does Kiruv


When "Ki Mala'ah Ha'aretz Hamas" = " Ki Mala'ah Ha'aretz Dei'ah Es Hashem."

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

My Heart Is Crying

The Illustrated Hostage Diary of Moran Stella Yanai

"The Song"

One day I caught a bacterial infection in my intestines. It felt like I had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius. On the first day, I vomited and had diarrhea that drained my life away. I had 20 milliliters of water that they gave me for two days, and I vomited that, too, so my body became even more dehydrated. On the second day, imagine a corpse. My head was slumped on the mattress. I said, this is it, I'm going to die like this. This is hat's going to happen. In my mind, I was already saying goodbye. And we had this thing with their radio. Obviously, we didn't listen to the radio, but when the terrorists would scan through the stations, sometimes they would come across an Israeli station. The door was open. On of them came in with his radio, and he saw me with my head slumped, and as he entered, I heard :Hear Israel, you are the omnipotent..." [From the song "When the Heart Cried" by Sarit Hadad].

Do you know what kind of smile that gave me? And then we remembered the song's end is : "Make it end, for no more strength is left within me." I didn't agree to say that, so I changed the lyrics to: "For I have plenty of Strength! For I have plenty of strength!" and I recovered."


Friday, April 19, 2024

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Modzits, er, Skver, er, Belz... er...

This song is credited to Modzits/Skver, but it should really be Belz, er,  Belf.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Jingle Belz!

Tis the season. Election season, that is!